Dear friend,
Success University's local team support (OnlineIncome hub) has been conducting internet marketing workshop weekly in Singapore. This week was a spectacular when we invited Stuart Tan over to share some insights and tips on internet marketing.
He shared with us the importance of Leverage in the context of internet marketing. And what is leverage? It is simply making use of someone/something to generate results of the same or higher value without you doing it. For instance, you are not proficient in writing but intending to create an ebook to sell over the internet. What you can do is to find a joint venture partner who writes well to help you materialise this ebook. This is called leveraging on other people's expertise.
There is unlimited power in leveraging. Imagine this! Our income opportunity uses the concept of leveraging to help you earn and how much do you think your earning will expand over the time? Your earning is not going to expand in a linear fashion, it expands in an exponential fashion. Here, you are simply leveraging on other people to keep sustaining and generating yourself a residue weekly and monthly income.
If you are still not a member of Success University, you do not know what is missing in life! You lose a chance to improve yourself personally and an opportunity to leverage your income to the maximum.
To join Success University for just $2, click here.
If you are not willing to forgo a small sum of money less than a starbuck's coffee or you are simply not ready yet, I still want to help you succeed in life. Register yourself to receive our success tips and a free ebook on Think and Grow Rich from Napoleon Hill on the top right hand side.
All the best,
PS. Time factor is important in Succes University. The earlier you join to become our member, the more leveraging power you will have.
Saturday, July 7, 2007
The Power of Leverage
Posted by
2:21 PM
Is Internet Home Work Income Business No Where to be found?
'Internet is a huge goldmine with unlimited opportunities for any marketers to make money online.' How true is this statement? Why is it that only a handful make it to the top while many are still struggling to keep afloat? Is internet home work income business opportunity that hard to sustain? Sometimes, all you need is a shift of your paradigm and change of mindset to start realising your success.
Ultimately, it boils down to how you see yourself and your business. If you have a strong belief in yourself and your business, this is already one-third of a battle won. The other one-third comes from your team support. Having a team who guides, teaches, coaches and supports you is essential and vital which not many network marketing businesses provide. Joining our team, we have a group of experienced and friendly trainers who are more than willing to reveal their secrets in internet marketing. I have experienced that myself and I can vouch for that. We will show you that real internet opportunity is now here to be found in our business. Finally, the last one-third success factor have to be your conscientious effort.
All the best!
Posted by
1:29 PM
To attain network marketing success, you must DO IT BIG!
From Daegan Smith:
Network marketing success in general is not something that sneaks up on the guy that only wants a couple hundred extra bucks a month. It's granted to those that pursue it with a crystal clear vision, no fear, and all they got.
Don't think about making a couple bucks when you fantasize about what network marketing is going to bring into your life. Don't fantasize about making enough money to make your car payment or to pay your gas bill. Think about what you want MOST, not what you might be able to realistically attain.
Because small thinkers limit themselves by building a glass ceiling over their head and then complain about it later, but more importantly you miss HUGE opportunity when you don'teven allow for the possibility.
There really is magic in thinking big, it's to those that dream of having it all and know that it's possible that get it, not those that dream of just having a coke and a smile.
There is unbelievable opportunity missed when you don't even allow for the possibility.
But here's the secret . . .
Forget about what they say you can or can't do. Do it anyways and do it bigger and better.
Forget about what YOU think you can or can't do. Do it anyways and do it bigger and better than your wildest dreams.
It doesn't matter what you think is possible.
It only matters what you want and how bad you want it, all the rest can be dealt with as you go along.
And guess what happens?
You get there, you grow into the person that is ready for the big life and you look back on what you went through with a true feeling of accomplishment and you turn around and you help a few others up.
Then you find a bigger mountain to climb.
The oak tree never stops growing does it?Neither do YOU!
The joy is NOT in arriving. It's in getting there and it's THAT process where you can choose to either have the time of your life and dare to do great things, or make just a couple hundred bucks.
There's nothing to fear in dreaming and daring greatness into you, only the essence of living itself.
Think BIG live LARGE!
Live the life you want and not what others want of you!
Network marketing which leverages the power of internet is the greatest tool you can take to where ever you go. Grab it right away here.
Posted by
11:58 AM
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
How about more web site traffic and multiplying your online profits now?
Do you know that there are so many people out there that are able to do much better in their online business, but are simply wasting too much time trying to implement strategies after strategies. Do you know you can literally generate more web site traffic and mulitply your online income by working less? Well, you can and it is exclusive for internet business.
Definitely, strategies and tactics are important in online business but what is
even more important is the use of "Leverage". When talking about leverage, I don't just mean leveraging on your work or task in hand.
It's about the whole LEVERAGE SYSTEM.
==> Leveraging on your traffic
==> Leveraging on your website
==> Leveraging on your customers
To know how to multiply your profits through the use of multiplying strategy or how to effectively use it to kick start your online sales, register yourself to become our members for a time limited period of $2 for a 14 days trial at:
After registering and gaining access to our secrets, you will walk away with either of this:
1) Spend more time with your family by finishing your work in half the time required
2) Create more profits by accomplishing more work.
You decide which option you prefer.
In order to receive regular success newsletter and tips, register yourself to become our VIP on the top right hand side of the blog.
Posted by
8:45 PM