Now you don't have to go through the typical learning curve that most entrepreneurs have to experience before they realize their success. You can achieve it in a much shorter timeframe. Click on the Link Immediately to find out how -> http://www.earnwhilesleep.com/personaldevelopment.html
Over the years, I've found a key quality which seems inherent in every ultra successful people. And that is, they continue to expand their success library. Most of the wealthy people that I've met and heard of consider the investment into their mind as their ultimate priority. Be it Robert Kiyosaki or Steve Job, I am sure they will uninamously agree that continual education begets success.
Why is that so? The reason is very simple. Personal development education is a shortcut to success. By investing in personal development, you're able to discover the stratgies and techniques that others have used to successfully accomplish great things. Using the framework applying the same strategies, you too can duplicate their success and accomplish great things with much less effort and in a shorter timeframe. If it works for others, it can work for you. The only time it can't work for you is when you think it can't work.
There is nothing more truthful than the last statement you just read. My philosophy is that we are all created with the same ability - the ability to accomplish and succeed. Everything that you need lies within you. It is you who has total control of your success. Unfortunately, many people live their lives filled with excuses. Excuses like "I don't have the time"..."I am not smart enough"..."I don't have money"..."I don't think I can do it"..."I'm too old for this"..."This is just not for me"..."I am too busy"... Sounds familiar, eh! These are all the excuses that people tell themselves so that they can stay in their comfort zone living an average and mediocre life!
You may not realised till now that you possess the power and ability to change the world. Most will never admit they possess this incredible ability to create greatness which can make a positive impact on the planet. Unfortunately, most people end up keeping this greatness inside them till the day they are buried.
My call to you is that you step up to the challenge of your greatness, making a difference starting in your life, your family's life and proceeding to the lives of others around the world.
Friday, September 28, 2007
Greatness Comes Within You.
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10:36 PM
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Success Secrets - Knowledge is the new power!
Our society has evolved over the few decades from the industrial age to information era. Now, the acquistion of knowledge, which is the new global power, has become the success secrets for the New Rich. The measure of Wealth no longer takes into the number of factories or acres of land one owns. Your wealth now lies in the amount of knowledge you have acquired.
Acquisition of knowledge no longer confines to your formal education. Acquisition of knowledge becomes a life-long process as a matter of fact. Attaining a Master or doctorate does not guarantee you success in this information era. Back then, what you learnt in school was largely all you needed to secure a career. With knowledge expanding rapidly, this "belief" no longer holds.
Your formal education has become a very short life span. With innovation from technological companies produce in every thirty seconds, you have no choice but to keep acquiring knowledge to keep yourself up to date. Or you will soon become obsolete!! Now, the secret to continued success is life-long learning.
In this 21st century, literacy is the differentiator between the success and mediocre. But why are there fewer than 10% of the public buy and read self development books? One reason is that many would choose to get by than get ahead. They are motivated to work hard for someone else and pull along by the company and economy. They seldom work hard for themselves.
Another reason is that many individuals think that information found in books, seminars and training sessions has little or no value for them. That is self-delusion and many are taking this suicidal mentality for their future.
A great way to increase literacy is to increase reading by 100%. Decrease your television watching and spend the time surfing the internet to download free chapters, reading book summaries on the web from websites like Amazon, Barnes and other booksellers. By reading book summaries, you gain the essence of all the books you read in a very brief period. The top success secret in all areas of your life lies in your knowldege. knowledge is the new power and literacy is the door to your knowledge now and future.
Posted by
7:17 PM
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Secure PayPal Processing - Protect Your Sales From Internet Thieves!
What is the most Secure way to to process PayPal Payments over the Internet , without worrying about internet thieves?
If you are selling products online using PayPal then you absolutely must get this product otherwise you are probably losing money to people hacking into your download pages. The product is very affordable (especially when you consider the money it will save you) and it’s very easy to use. With the video tutorials and support desk, getting started is a snap so there will never be anything holding you back.
Get your copy here: http://flashpal.generatorsoftware.com/x.php?af=
Statistic reveals that over 80 million people are using paypal right now. If you are one of millions who use Paypal as a medium to accept payments and exchange money on the internet, you are exposing yourself to any potential fraud and theft from digital thieves.
Paypal is the most popular way that lets anyone with an email address securely send and receive online payments using credit card or bank accoubt. By nature, no online company is perfect and a major flaw is their method of giving you your link code to sell your products. Very few people realize that hackers and internet theives have been prying for opportunity to get access into paid products from anyone using paypal as their merchant provider.
To prevent your business from falling prey into the hands of hackers, Armand Morin has a software that is surprisingly simple to use. Flashpal generator is a simple scripting software which provides step-by-step, point and click process that instantly creates Paypal buttons for you to be used on your website. The paypal button generated by FlashPal generator is almost identical to the original Paypal button but it provides extra protection through its special scripting code against internet thieves.
If you are selling products online using Paypal, then you absolutely must be aware of the shortfall of the payment system and the risk it may subject to. If not, you are subjecting yourself to the risk losing money to people hacking your download pages.
Posted by
8:54 PM
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Ebook Tips - Stop Racking Your Brain For A Profitable Topic!!
Create a viral ebook is now a snap! You do not have to
be a rocket scientist to create a professional ebook
within minutes. Just Point and Click..
Claim Your FREE video which outlines exactly how to
create your own best selling ebook,
go to: http://www.tinyurl.com/3yrho2.
In the recent years over the internet, information products have been selling like hot cakes. In the form of an ebook detailing inexhaustible "HOw To" information, it has developed many "experts" overnight profiting on autopilot. However, you may have realised that majority who sell ebooks on their websites may not be great writers themselves and you don't have to either.There are professional writers whom you can hire at a reasonable cost to write your ebook.
What's important is for you to bring across your knowledge, passion or experience to readers in your ebook. That's what makes writing sells in the first place. It is not about writing skills but more on what is being said.
Writing the book yourself, even without prior experience is achievable. Here are several guidelines and tips for getting you started with writing your first or next ebook. Ebooks deliver comprehensive expert knowledge in a convenient and easily handled package which can be accessed almost instantly. You do not require prior knowledge and experience to create an ebook but careful planning and considerable reseach groundwork is essential in building an ongoing stream of income for yourself, credibility and trust ratings with clients or customers.
Selling ebooks comprises three processes in chronological order and they are:
(1) thorough research and development of idea(s). (This is the most important)
(2) Writing your ebook.
(3) Marketing your ebook.
Following, I am going to focus on the first process which is the research of a profitable idea for your ebook.
Internet is the best place to source for undiscovered gems. What makes the internet a highly sought-after place for any human beings on earth is its unlimited and abundance of information. It is no thus no wonder that information-intensive ebooks are the most popular products at present.
To decide on your subject, you have to do a well and thorough research because your main aim is to write on a subject that has long term appeal to the readers. It is important that your subject does not outdate too soon because you want to profit as much out of your ebook as possible and you would not want to continually update your ebook coming up with several versions over a year.
Ultimately, you should have in mind your readers and what they want to get away from buying your ebook. In your reader's perspective, they would buy the ebook because your book contains solution(s) to their problems. You have to write a topic that is a solution to the masses' problems. To know the subject, you have to analyze top searches at search engines. Many Search engines as well as other popular portals such as Search Terms keep track of the most popular searches over a period. You could use these lists to figure out the most sought-after subjects.
Next, after knowing the subject of your ebook, use keyword tools such as wordtracker or digital point or overture's search tool to determine similar or relevant popular search term to the one you have listed. The purpose is to give you a more specific and narrowed areas to work on. For instance, train dogs may be a sought-after topic for many but you won't want to write such a wide topic. Instead it is advisable to narrow your topic down to train a certain breed of dog. The key is to establish the exact need of the people you are targeting and this is done through your research with search engine and keyword tools.
There are many ebooks that target the same subject but most lack certain aspect of the subject. Unless you fill up the missing pieces, it would not be a success. Last but not the least, writing an ebook is not difficult even if you have zero writing experience. With a well thorough research, you can create an ebook that sells. The most challenging part is to develop a killer idea for your ebook. The better your idea, the more profit you make.
Create a viral ebook is now a snap! You do not have to be a rocket scientist to create a professional ebook within minutes. Just Point and Click..Claim Your
FREE video which outlines exactly how to create your own best selling ebook, go to: http://tinyurl.com/3yrho2
Posted by
9:44 PM