I believe learning is an indefinite process which stops only when one dies. No matter how educated a person is, there is always room to acquire new knowledge. We need to constantly improve and upgrade ourselves and personal development is an essential and vital long chapter which follows us throughout our life. How great would it be if there is a program which provides personal development education while allowing us to earn money marketing personal development products or courses?
Personal growth and development is a wide area that encompasses topic in relationship, health, finance, love, family, religion and many more. Some of the top personal development classic such as Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, How to win and influence friends by Dale Carnegie and many personal development trainers and speakers, to name a few like Anthony Robbin, Robert Kiyosaki Brian Tracy, Les Brown and Zig Zigler have helped many attain success in their life, career, relationship and finance.
I have always been hoping there will be an online personal development education available for everyone around the world. It has to be a collection of training courses, seminars and talks from top personal development trainers and speakers which can be easily accessed by anyone in any corner of the world. Of course, it will be perfect to have a share in this 64 billion industry pie in promoting personal development education. After a long search, I found this unprecedented Earn and Learn Opportunity which provides me with life long personal development education and at the same time, allows me to earn money marketing personal development products and courses online.
To find out more about this Learn and Earn program and start earning residue income marketing personal development edcuation, simply click on the url http://www.easytoearnonline.com/ or sign up below to receive our success newsletter.
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Earn Money Marketing Personal Development Products
Posted by
11:20 PM
Friday, July 20, 2007
Network Marketing Success - Your Belief System
What could constitute to your network marketing success? Is it the compensation plan from the network marketing company or the product itself? Follow the link and listen to the story and find out more for yourself.
Most of the time, it is us who can make a whole lots of difference. God has equiped us with everything we need to help us succeed. It is only a matter of whether you want to make good use of your skill and strength.
Posted by
11:38 PM
Thursday, July 19, 2007
When Home Based Internet Marketing Business Matters No More To Me Anymore!
The first sale I made over home based internet marketing business was a commission from an affiliate program. I remembered the joy that overwhelmed me, at least for 2 hours, when I made my first commissions online. I was very motivated and excited thinking if I could make this amount daily, I would soon realise financial freedom. I also remembered I recruited my first network marketing downline and I was simply exhilarated at that moment.
However, I fail to realise internet marketing is a business with ups as well as downs. We make profits instantly but we may lose our downlines and prospects easily as well. Just as I was excited and motivated to see my commissions growing, I was dejected when I saw my downlines gave up on their venture. I blamed myself for their failure. I wanted to know where exactly I had done wrong and constantly blamed myself for being incompetent and not able to sustain my downlines.
It was when I met my upline in the internet marketing training workshop and he made me realise that the fault does not lie with me. It is common and natural to see many giving up in their home based internet marketing business venture. To an internet marketer, it is inevitable to see people leave the business and it is something which is beyond our control. What we could do for our part is to continue uphold a strong belief in our home based internet marketing business and work towards our success diligently and consistently.
Posted by
6:36 PM
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Instant Result in your Home Business Internet Marketing
Is there such a thing as instant result in home business internet marketing?
If you want
(1) FAST Results
(2) INSTANT Commission
(3) HUGE Network
All you need is just 5 minutes to implement!
In fact because of targeted advertisment, our network has grown to 1686 members within 1 year.
I can show you how by clicking here: http://www.earnwhilesleep.com/
Posted by
8:59 PM
MLM home based business opportunity - A new chapter of my life.
Before Jan 2007, I had zero knowledge and experience in any form of online MLM, network and affiliate business. To me, internet was just a surfing ground and I was ignorant of this mountain
of opportunity standing right before me. My friend lent me a book authored by Robert Kiyosaki (Rich Dad Poor Dad) and the content of the book changes my mindset totally on MLM business. From then, I began looking for a home based MLM business opportunity.
I was always skeptical (in fact to the extent of distrust) of MLM business and perceived anything that was associated with MLM to be a form of pyramid scheme, scam and fraud. The fact is many people have wrong association of MLM with pyramid. Yes, both require you to recruit as many downlines as possible. However the main difference is, MLM (Multi Level Marketing) offers a product to her member and in turn, her members earn commission from the product by marketing it to others. But, that is not the case for a pyramid. There is no tangible product offer in a pyramid system. It is a 'money distribution game and no one knows when the bubble will burst.
Seriously, Robert's book changes me totally and it convinces me of the real benefit of working in a MLM team that provides great support and guidance to her member. I began to look for a MLM home based business opportunity that I do not have to do cold calling and go out looking for prospect and it was then that I was introduced to my current online MLM business.
I was skeptical at first and decided to join their workshop and was amazed once again to find how genuine and cohesive the whole team is. They share with me all the ways and tactics used in internet marketing without any hold back. I made up my mind to give it a shot and joined under their wing for further guidance and coaching.
To date, I am still continuing with this MLM home based business and I am no longer the green horn who knew nothing back then. I have made good progress not only in my earnings but more in personal development and growth. I enjoy working with this team of people very much and I learn and pick up many knowledge on internet marketing which is going to be one of my life skills for the rest of my life. More importantly, I have been holding a firm belief that I will succeed one fine day in mastering my financial independence. Simply a core desire of wanting to give my family and loved ones a better lifestyle. It is this desire that keeps propelling me to work towards my goal.
Finally, a word of caution that there will always be fraudulent scheme lurking around now or future regardless on the web or offline. What we should do in order to benefit ourselves and not get sucked into any spiral fraudulent scheme is to do our due research and effort to find out any venture we are setting foot in. However, there are still aplenty opportunities on the web which statistics has shown to nurture the most number of millionaires to date. And most started out with nothing and eventually achieving great things out of their home based MLM business opportunity.
Posted by
7:35 PM