When speaking of Network Marketing, there are always the two extreme comments you and I commonly hear from the audience. Some believe that network marketing is a scam and it does not work at all. Well, what I could say is they are totally wrong and I really hope that you are one of those who think that Network Marketing doesn't work. In the next few minutes, I will explain to you why network marketing works and always work so that the next time someone tells you that network marketing doesn't work you can explain to them how misinformed they truly are.
Here is why Network Marketing will ALWAYS work for everyone:
Secret #1: No matter how booming an economy is, people will always need a supplemental income:
The cold hard fact in every part of the world is most people live pay check to pay check. There are tons of expenses such as house loans, car loans, credit card bills, and many more which you and I have to take care of monthly. Are you still able to buy things which you or your family desire? With the extra financial burden you have to settle monthly, there won't be much income left from your pay check. That is why there will always be a constant DEMAND for more money. Here, Network Marketing is an easy, low risk and part time way of earning an extra income for a full time workers like you. And network marketing will always be there to fill that needs as long as there is a need for more money which will always be.
Secret #2: People will ALWAYS want freedom from jobs they dislike:
It is not surprise to see more people out there in the society dislike or do not enjoy their job. Yes, you may say it is a matter of their choice but I reckon that. In the first place, they do not have any choice for themselves. They have to go to work because they have to. If they stop working, all their income would come to a halt. They have no supplemental income which they can fall back on. And that is why Network marketing becomes very important and it also offers a promise of true financial freedom. Tell me, Who would reject this opportunity to leave the coporate 9-5 working world to seek a freedom in life you will never experience in your current 9-5 job?
Secret #3: People will ALWAYS seek and look out for more free time to do what they enjoy as and when they please:
There is a survey carried out by MOney Magazine saying that on the average, 66% of the american who were polled said they would choose time if given a choice between more money and more time. Imagine the time taken up by your work over the weekend when it is time to spend with your loved ones! How about the thoughts of using up the only evening of every weekday working overtime when you could have spent it with your friends, loved ones and things which you enjoy doing? It does not feel good at all. What job other than network marketing promises of working from home and making your own hours. Again, this benefit alone which can never be found in other job is sufficient to attract people to Network marketing.
As long as there is a demand and crave for time, money and freedom, network marketing will never cease to exist. In fact, it has been increasing over the years as the demand gets higher. Hence, the next time, sometime tells you that network marketing does not work you know they could not be more wrong and it is your responsibility to clear their misunderstandings by explaining to them or directing them to this article. But before, you have to ask them anyone of these 3 questions:
(1) Do you want more money?
(2) Do you want freedom from your current job?
(3) Do you want more time for yourself?
I am sure that they will answer a 'YES' to anyne of these questions. By simply answering these questions 'YES', they have proven that network marketing works and contradicted their initial statement.
Over $225,000 added to your bottom line and 4,120 people added to your downline in just 14 months is nothing to sneeze at -> http://www.earnwhilesleep.com/successuniversity.html . Yet, this 25-yr old "unknown" rookie networkmarketer claims he can show any knuckle-head how to repeat his results. And thousands already agree. And if *you* don't agree that his SYSTEM is the quickest and laziest wayto build your network marketing business, then you get double your money back. Is this guy stupid or just plain brave? http://marsdentan.getnetmlmprofits.com/
Saturday, September 8, 2007
The Insider Secret to Why Network Marketing will ALWAYS work!
Posted by
4:41 PM
Friday, September 7, 2007
Don't Miss Armand Morin's Big Seminar!
Discover Internet Marketing Secrets from the Experts.Armand Morin is conducting a free series of InternetMarketing Training calls. He features a differentExpert Marketer on each call. Hurry...the series ends soon.http://generatorsoftware.com/pro/bs.php?422010/70
I look to Armand Morin when I need Internet Marketing advice.
Now you too can learn from Armand...For FREE!
All you need to do is register for the free training calls that he is conducting.
Each week Armand hosts two, live training calls.
On each call he discusses different aspects of Internet Marketing. On most calls he has a guest expert and together they reveal the Secrets they use to conduct their successful Internet Marketing Businesses.
You don't want to miss these free calls.
Click here now to register for these calls...
Calls times, phone number Passcode etc. will be immediately sent to you via email.
PS - I personally recommend Armand and these free training calls.
Posted by
4:03 PM
How to be Successful?
Personal development is the only route to success in virtually every aspect of your life. To know how personal development education can help you to better your finances, love life, health and relationship, go to http://www.earnwhilesleep.com/successuniversity.html right now. You are just a click away from being a more successful person.
Posted by
2:45 PM
Success Interview of Brian Tracy
Below is an Interview extract of Brian Tracy by Jerry Clark.
To watch more videos and audios on the success of personal development trainers, entreprenuers, motivational speakers, visit http://www.earnwhilesleep.com/successuniversity.html right now.
For less than a cup of coffee everyday, you will be able to make a profound shift in your relationships, your finances, your health and physical well being, sales and marketing skills, and much more, start right away with http://www.EasyToEarnOnline.com
Posted by
2:10 PM
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Secrets to selling on Ebay - Claim Your Portion of the $158,000,000 on Ebay!
Sometimes back, I was just fascinated and amazed by how some people can make a life-changing income selling on ebay. I have been trying means to uncover their secrets to making money on ebay. It was not until last July that I came across this insider secrets which by far the best system for building a successful ebay businesses.
Gathering from the feedback of this elite team of ebay powersellers, many who use this system
start making an impressive income of at least $1000 in a matter of weeks. Just imagine this
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thousands or millions of dollars. But it is possible that anyone can claim a portion of the
incredible $158,000,000 spent on ebay every single day! What about 1% of this amount for you?
Let's get the fact right. To make a sizeable income selling on ebay, you have/need to:
(1) You have to research for in-demand products so that you can buy in cheap and sell it for a
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(2) You need strategies to attract tons of bids and make huge profits on every single auction.
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(5) You need to learn techniques for driving qualified and targeted bidders to your auction
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At last, you can uncover the EXACT system 1,254 ‘Computer Dummies’ have already used to rake in $1,000s a DAY on eBay. Start right away by visiting
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Posted by
11:00 PM
Monday, September 3, 2007
The Dirty Truth about Network Marketing that you must know amd understand in order to succeed
Many people have the misconception that the products of a network marketing company is the main factor to one's success in network marketing. In actual fact, the product you are promoting has absolutely nothing to do with your success.
Let me pose you this question: Why did you decide to venture into network marketing business? In your mind, be truthful to yourself and answer this question. I believe most people answer will be somewhere along these lines "I want to make extra money and hope to become financially free one day." Well, successful network marketing has NOTHING to do with selling your prospect your products! On the contrary, you should talk about the benefits that got you sold on your companies business and that is more money and financial freedom!
What makes a network marketing so appealing? It is the financial hopes and dreams that is built on it. To any prospects who you wish to rope into your organisation, you should only emphasize on the hopes of financial success they could attain so that they can sell themselves onto the business. By asking a simple question like this "Giving an equal amount of products in one hand and money on the othet, which one would you think your prospect will pick?" That is obviou, right? It is after all the financial hopes and dreams which you may potentially materialise if you work towards it.
To profit from network marketing, it is not the real physical products we are concerned with. It ought to be your company's sales training and marketing system. The better your company sales training is and the more effective your company marketing system, the faster you are going to reap a higher profits. In network marketing, we work based on the business model of duplicability and ultimately, you will want your downline to do all the work for you. The simpler and better the marketing system with strong training provided, the easier your system can duplicate.
If you find a system which is easy to duplicate for its success and you can have your prospects "sell themselves" on their financial dreams, you are going to have a highly successful network marketing business. NOw, you should find people who want to attain financial freedom your way and then shorten their learning cirve so that they can go out and do the same.
Discover how to earn a whopping $4,567,09 per month in yourspare time even if nobody joins your MLM business. Forget cold calling. Forget those home meetings. In fact, forgeteverything you've ever been taught about building a solidincome in Network Marketing from the "gurus". Let this 25-yr "unknown" marketer show you how he built an organization of over 4,120 in 14 short months without making one phonecall!
==> http://marsdentan.getnetmlmprofits.com
Posted by
7:22 PM
Three Success Secrets Shared by "Mom & Pop" type web sites that are earning at least $100,000 every year
Not long ago, I joined as a member of a site that shares the success secrets of real internet marketers who are ordinary folks like you and me. Starting out with virtually nothing, they are now earning $100,000+ in profits per year with their internet businesses. It provides real-life stories of the success attain by these internet entreprenurs such as conducting in-depth interviews with the site owners and asking straight to the point questions about their exact procedures, strategies and tools that they use to build and grow their business to success.
Obviously, reading the stories of common people who attain success on the interent is definitely one strong assurance and motivation to many as you are receiving real insider's tour of internet business manage by real people who are making good money with it. While reading through the success stories of these people, I notice that, despite their vast differences in their business model, products and services offered, these successful entrepreurs adopts 3 common success secrets which I am going to reveal right after.
The first success secrets of why they are so successful now is because they are practically unstoppable. They did not let anything which they are lacking of become an obstacle in their venture. In fact, they ride over any difficulties and challenges to reach where they are now.
Once they made their way to go all out, they are determined to find their success even if they had zero experience in internet business or literally zero computer experience. And what is more amazing is that, they are now profiting from their business making a profit daily. Indeed, they did not make money right from the start. They might have stumbled over but they stood up devising a better plan or strategy and continue with their success route. Soon, their profits increased as they continue to improve on what they began with.
Many may not be a good thing in internet business. What do I mean by this statement? This leads to the second secret of success which requires you to be focused. Many people who started out with internet business tend to be overwhelmed by the different marketing strategies available to them. They began with excitement but their energy sapped away before they could reap their profits. I believe many of you, including me in the earlier phase of internet marketing, have these misconceptions that the more marketing strategies I use, the more successful is my business. In fact, many of the internet gurus started off by focusing on one marketing strategy at at time, working very hard on this strategy to maximise their profits before progressing to the next strategy. It is not unusual to hear successful web owners earning substantial income by working on one strategy. Over the years, they may have adopted many marketing strategies but it was done one after another.
Last but not the least, to start profiting yourself, you ought to first educate yourself. This is the confession of many successful entreprenurs who believe they should have started educating themselves to earn a much bigger income much faster. This success secret is about educating yourself with the most profitable marketing strategies and techniques
If you want to automatically skip the failing promotions, and start learning the tested, proven strategies that real businesses have already proven to be ernomously successful, then I'd recommend that you visit http://www.earnwhilesleep.com/success%20secrets.html
to get a personal tour of real web sites built by real people making real profits on the internet.
Posted by
12:20 AM