Recently, I read an interesting article and it left me ponder over a while. It narrates a rich man who is working in an investment firm and has been earning hundred of millions for his firm. Much less to say, his annual income can easily amount to a 5 millions. I am sure this figure is going to be an envy from many. He lives in a bungalow situate in a hot district for the wealthy and he has four luxurious car seperately owned by his wife, son, daughter and himself. Just the maintenance fee, insurance and petrol for his son and daughter's car, each can easily reach $3000 per month. His son and daughter are now still in college and yet they are already spending thousands of money per month. Are they going to depend on their dad forever? Are they able to sustain this lifestyle with their job after they graduate? To make it worse, what if their dad loses his job in the investment firm one day? Can his dad's wealth sustain the whole family's lifestyle forever? I am beginning to wonder whether I should feel envy or sad for them.
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Is it lucky to have a rich dad ?
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1:01 AM
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
How can you fail with Google Adwords if you follow this?
Hi friends,
Today, I read an article on how to succeed with Google Adwords and I find it very useful to those who intent to sell your products using Google Adwords advertising. I see from the advertisements listed in the Google website and Yahoo website that a lot who advertise are not doing it effectively. As a result, this may lead to losing a substantial amount of money before you even make any sales. In fact, the most important tactic of using Adwords to advertise is on the choice of your keywords. The problem of too many is that they tend to use a broad number of keywords. This is indeed the normal mentality of human who like to associate to the more the merrier mindset. Well, what can I say is that if you adopt this mentality, you have to prepare to lose your capital. And that is the reason why a lot quit after losing lots of money advertising using Adwords.
There is always a technique of any advertising method. In Adwords, the choice of keywords you select is pertinent to the sales of your product. Be specific with your choice of keywords because your chances of attracting the right customer are higher than using many general keywords. For instance, you may be selling a Samsung handphone online. Person A may use handphone as his keyword while person B use Samsung handphone N75. At first, person B may seem to be too narrow with his choice but in the long run, he is going to get lots of potential traffic with the intent of buying this model handphone. Person A may incur losses in the long run as his keyword is too broad and may appear as long as anyone types any models of handphone on the search link. To know and read more, you may refer to
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7:21 PM
Monday, February 19, 2007
Is "leverage" a tool or verb to you?
I like the word 'LEVERAGE' a lot. Why? This word is going to make another Bill Gates if one knows how to make full use of it. It is a strong and powerful word which only the billionaires are proficient on its usage. So, what makes a huge difference between a mediocre and the rich like Robert Kiyosaki and Donald Trump? We all have a fair share of 24 hours a day but why are we so vast apart from them?
They leverage. Yes, they leverage on other people 24 hours. They hire and employ people to manage their accounts, finance, stocks, etc. They are leveraging on other people niche area to help themselves build their empire. Of course, you must be thinking how could that possibly happen to me? How am I going to get so much money to pay all these professional to work for me?
Let me tell you that you can. I can, you can too. Join a GOOD network marketing team. A good network marketing team works like a big family. Usually, meet up is as frequent as once a week to share knowledge with team members. No one is being left out and that is always guaranteed if you join a GOOD team. You will receive adequate training, coaching, teaching, support and encouragement from your mentor and team mates. Yes, you are leveraging on their know-how in this industry to make you a future team-leader whom you will do the same for your team members. In return, they leverage on your knowledge gained to propel the whole team into greater success and achievement. See, you don't need thousands and millions of dollar to leverage. They are free. Absolutely free. Put LEVERAGE into one of your favourite vocabulary list now and remember, actionise it.
Get a GOOD network marketing team now to start leveraging
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3:32 PM
Can You build a full-time INCOME with less work?
Many have started earning full time by working part time at home. You can start right away building your online business in less than 15 minutes. All you need is to go here ->
Don't hate yourself for missing out as you have nothing to lose. 30 days money back guarantee and a build in ready system to help you get started.
Build a full-time income with less people in your downline compared to any other network marketing opportunity...How is this possible? It's made possible by the unique Dual Team Plan from Success University which I will explain briefly and in simple terms here...
With the typical network marketing plan... YOU and YOU ALONE are responsible for building your downline. But with SuccessUniversity's breakthrough Dual Team Plan, your upline support team will be hard at work to help "spill-over" other students below you that count toward your commissions. Here is the key...Success University's compensation plan has been designed for the 98% of the people you usually get left behind. Rather than help just a few people at the very top get rich, we have designed this plan so that it pays out two, three, and sometimes even FOUR times the amount most other companies pay because all the money is not going to just the "heavyhitters."The Success University Dual Team Plan creates a sense of urgency that causes your prospects to practically beg you toget started...
This is how it works: Your upline has only two teams. Thus, the people they enroll after you end upbeing placed below you... in YOUR downline...That is called "spillover."Each and every student that gets "spilled over" beneath youcounts as credit toward YOUR commissions... if you are about to enroll and hesitate... for even a few hours... it may cost you several people that would have been placed in your downline.Of course the same applies to each prospective new enrollee that is visiting your website... those who snooze lose...but those who act have tremendous help from above! Therefore, unlike other plans that require you to build a team of thousands of people to earn a full time income, you can be earning a full time income with a team of just a few hundred students...Start building a full-time income with less work now.
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3:19 PM
Sunday, February 18, 2007
What makes a top network marketing company?
Announcing a fast rising online top network marketing business that you can earn and learn at the same time. Now is the time to make some changes in your life. Learn the little known secrets that can skyrocket your life in terms of finance, relationship, health and love. -->
In the past, network marketing, affiliate marketing, multilevel marketing was labelled as an unreliable source of income and it was usually associated with negative connotations such as scam and fraud. Over the years, the advent of internet has unveiled many benefits of network marketing. We also see a bloom of many network marketing company over the internet and some of the top network marketing companies such as Amway and Quixtar have established themselves good credential over this period.
Many joined a network marketing venture precisely of the monetary factor which usually ended up with disappointment. They have disregarded an important aspect of this industry; finding a good network marketing company. A top network marketing company has a good networking team which supports, encourages, cares and motivates her member at all times. They work as a family and no one in the team is left to work alone. Everyone in team works in unison to achieve the same goal. Sharing, coaching, teaching and encouraging are one of the many common activities you can associate to their network marketing training. Though it is not easy to find a good team, it is always within everyone reach to get one.
I am sure the paradigm shift of the current coporate world has made us realise the impermance of long-term employability. No job in the world is as sustainable as a good network marketing opportunity. Finding a top network marketing company is akin to paving a guaranteed route to wealth for our future. However, not all succeed in this emerging industry. The reason for failure of some network marketing team being not laying a strong foundation for his/her team members. A weak team can never sustain long enough to see her members reaping their profits whereas a strong team can expect to see every member soaring high up in their network marketing career. A good and strong team does not focus solely on monetary compensation afterall. Rather the whole team believes in the potential of each member, cares and genuinely wants to help them achieve what they desire.
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7:13 PM
Real Life Success Story from Success University
"With Success University , in less than 4 months, I've been able to use this system to build an organization of over 1,000 people in 47 countries!"
Dave Rainwater Mortgage Broker
"After 30 years as a blue collar worker I missed 2 of my kids growing up - but because of Success University , I'm now a stay-at-home dad with my 15 year old son. To me that is worth all the money in the world!"
Ned and Cheryl Rae
"In my first 3 weeks, I used this simple 'learn & earn' marketing system to personally enroll 13 students that has turned into an organization of 83 people! I've never experienced success like this in anything I've tried in the past."
Jacques Sadler
Warehouse Manager "I've spent most of my working life in the corporate field. Even though I was skeptical, I jumped in and started using this step-by-step system and in only 4 months, I'm now working full-time from home!"
Lee Mendelsohn
Corporate AmericaWOW! I can hardly believe it... after enrolling only 4 people, my team has already grown to 67 students in just 8 weeks! I also took the Brian Tracy Achievement Course and used one of his principles to help me close a $100,000 sale - I'm truly Learning & Earning!"
Rita Sylvestre
Corporate Sales
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5:50 PM