Have you heard of Ezine Advertising?
Ezine is an online newsletter which people subscribe to. If you advertise in an ezine, your advertisement appears in certain section of the ezine which will be emailed to the subscribers.
Think of the wide targeted audience you are advertising to, you are simply leveraging on a huge database of subscribers who are interested to know more about what you are offerng. Imagine the continuous influx of targeted web site traffic to your internet marketing site once your advertisement is disseminated to interested readers!
To look for a relevant ezine to advertise in, you simply go to a search engine and key in ezines and topic your business is related in. For instance, you may want to target Home Business Entrepreneurs or Business Opportunity types of ezine if you are promoting an internet marketing business. Remember, your aim is to drive targeted web site traffic!
There are 3 types of advertisement in an ezine:
(1) classified ads occupies the smallest advertising space and it contains a few advertising lines in the email.
(2) sponsor ads are usually placed right at the bottom of the email sent to the subscribers.
(3) solo ads are the most powerful ads in an ezine. Literally, the ads are placed throughout the body of the email.
To look for good ezine advertisement, I recommend directory of ezines. There is a cost involved in becoming a member. What I would suggest is to share the membership cost with your business partner(s).
Below are 5 simple tips to achieve good results from ezine advertising:
(1) Look for an ezine to advertise, preferably with a list of 5000 to 10000 subscribers. Many have a misconception that the more subscribers an ezine have, the better it is. Actually, a smaller list of subscribers has its advantage over the price which offers at a cheaper rate and it is more responsive due to its smaller numbers of subscribers.
(2) Communicate with the ezine's owner and ask for endorsement, instead of writing your ad copy. The reason being the owner has built good rapport and credential with his list of subscribers over the period. His words will definitely carry more weights than yours.
(3) If you are writing your own ads, ask for opinion such as "Is my ad suitable?" or "what do you suggest to improve?" from the ezine's owner.
(4) Pick a suitable date to blast out your advertisements. An ideal day will be tuesday and thursday. Monday is the start of the week which many are still restless over the weekend and Friday is usually the wind-down day as it is approaching weekend. Of course, you want your ad to reach and be read by as many subscribers as possible!
(5) Always track the result and your ads. Blasting out advertisments is to capture contact details. You need to have a plan on how to follow up with your prospect, for instance, through email, phone call, training, etc.
Always fall back to your purpose of advertsing which is to attract the most qualified and targeted wed site traffic to your internet marketing site and it leads to finding a relevant ezine to advertise to and establising good relationship with the ezine's owner.
All the best!
Saturday, July 28, 2007
One guaranteed way to drive targeted web site traffic to your internet marketing site
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1:37 PM
Friday, July 27, 2007
MLM home based business, how to Succeed?
Many people simply do not have a plan. Under this circumstances, they fall into someone else plan. They fail to realise for things to change, they need to change first. First, to succeed in any form of MLM home based business, you will need to change your belief system and values which, in most cases, are the ones holding us back.
To change your belief system,you have to determine what you want in life. Specify what you really want to achieve in life.
Deep in you, you may have a strong desire to master financial future by becoming financial free by the age of 35. Or you aspire to set up an education scholarship for the poverty. You are the only one who knows yourself best. Your values determine what you live by. Some may yearn for recognition, success and self-actualisation , which lead to different set of values in life.
Secondly, home based MLM is a business of duplication model. To succeed, you simply model the strategies of your successful upline. Accept failure as a way of gaining feedback to improve your business model. If a model does not work for you, find another one which will eventually
work well for you.
Finally, taking consistent action seperates dreamers from doers in any MLM home based business. There are 3 categories of people you can find in this world. There are the ones who blame everyone except themselves. You may have come across some who fail and they try again by repeating the same thing. By Albert Einstein, insanity is the performing of the same act repeatably while expecting different outcome. Are you in this second category? The third category people are the ones who consistently work towards their goals, perceive failures as feedbacks to improve their business model and change strategies until they attain successful result.
So what is holding you back to achieve success in a MLM home based business? Uncover your core desire and reinforce your belief to align with your MLM business. Find a mentor whom you can model his success and works consistently, revising your strategies to work perfectly for you.
Posted by
10:09 PM
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
What do Bob Marley Quotes have anything to do with internet business?
You may be wondering for what reason am I associating Bob Marley and his quotes with the internet business. Yes, there is a connection, in fact a very closely knitted one. If you have read Bob Marley quotes before, you will simply be amazed by how apt some of the quotes can apply to the philosophy of internet business.
Most of Bob Marley quotes are simple sentences with profound meaning. One of such quotes "Man is a universe within himself" simply means you already have what it takes to accomplish great things and it only boils down to whether you decide to do or not to take up the challenge. Most of the times in life, we see many people using excuses like insufficient money or time to brush off any opportunities that they don't realise that could potentially change their life. And it is true that "None but ourselves can free our minds".
In life we see many people envying with green eyes on other people's success and accomplishment. Sometimes, it is good to "open your eyes, look within" and asked "Are you satisfied with the life you're living? In fact, a lot of people live in a life of mediocrity and they are usually the onlookers who looked from far envying other people's success. Success does not discriminate. In fact, we are the one who choose to be a success or failure! Being a failure discriminates success. "Every man gotta right to decide his own destiny." If you can be a participants working towards success, why would you want to be an onlookers? In fact, most choose the latter which is a pity!
Last but not the least for Bob Marley quotes, I discover it fits perfectly into any endeavours that we undertake. "The harder the batter the sweet of jab victory." I literally have to raise two thumbs up as I have experienced the sweetness of victory from a tough challenge. You will definitely cherish the victory of a long and hard fought battle. For any internet marketers out there, do not despair if you can't see victory or any results now. You simply have to work harder to see your fruits of success bear in times to come. If one endeavour does not work well for you, always bear in mind that "when one door is closed, don't you know, another is open" for you.
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11:39 PM
Monday, July 23, 2007
Three Laws of Success
Not long ago, I attended Stephen Pierce's training workshop in Singapore. I am truly intrigued by his inspiring and light-hearted talk throughout the 2 hours event. He mentioned about Success and how to achieve high degree of success for anyone. Simply, it can be attained by anyone as long as he/she posseses these three traits. I call it three law of success.
The first law of success is to focus on doing the right thing. Focusing is a high level control of mindstate and it is a skill which many are still lacking of. Most of us have a short span of focus and we easily lose focus to unpleasant events and failures. To make matter worse, some tend to focus on the wrong things leading to spiral of failures in the future. Therefore, focusing right is pertinent to one's success.
The second law of success is consistency. Any successful individual is a consistent person. Consistency means doing the same thing repeatedly while producing the desirable and better result each time you perform the same act repeatedly. However, doing the same thing over and over again without progress is undesirable and should be put to a halt. Again, you won't expect a person to achieve a firm toned body by visiting a gym once.
Finally, a patient person will reap his rewards one fine day if he is focused and consistent with the right task. Patience which is the third law of success, begets success.
Here, I want to share some of his success quotes:
(1) "Things change while uncomfortable is still possible."
(2) "Every single day is a choice."
(3) "Have the ability to see what you can create from a situation."
(4) "Always look for a new perspective."
We can see and feel changes around us everyday. A change culminates to a choice that we must make. And a choice that we make from a change leads to a new situation. It can be a good or bad situation we are in. What differs from a successful person to anyone is that he/she has the ability to look for a new perspective and the ability to create from that situation. So what is stopping you to making a right choice for success?
Posted by
9:48 PM
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Internet Opportunity Passive Income Home Business
What has internet opportunity anything to do with passive income and home business? To many friends of mine, they are still not aware of the millions dollar opportunities they are facing every day. One day, I checked if they were receptive to an internet opportunity home business by asking if they had any intention of earning a passive income over the internet and their first reaction was a silly grin.
I could sense that they are taking internet business lightly and with a certain extent of distrust. Even if they were to join any internet business opportunity, it will forever be of lower priority than their current job. I have been pondering why many people are taking a job working for others more serious than a job they can take ownership of. It seems to many a home business is more likely to be of past-time nature rather than a serious commitment. They are simply unaware of the massive recurring profits and opportunities they can gain from a small internet home business.
Should I take it that they are living a life of contentment? I doubt so as many are still looking for opportunities to make that extra income by working overtime after office hours and over weekends. I simply do not understand when they can actually use the weekend to pick up some internet marketing skills like traffic generation strategies or website building. In fact, many are short changing their lifes by working too hard not for themselves. They work overtime and over the weekends as if the extra hundreds or thousands can help them attain financial freedom in five years time. This is absurd and it is impossible. However, knowing a way to earn passive income from the internet substantially raises your chance of mastering financial independence.
What really happens ? I believe it is a matter of belief system or they are simply ignorant of any internet home business opportunity. Some are aware of the opportunities but were simply uninterested as they have other more important priorities in life. I respect their decision for that. For the ignorant ones, I believe we should convey the importance and feasibility of planning an internet business so that they will not miss out on any opportunity to profit from and master their financial future.
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11:35 PM