Spend 5 mintues and think about this question: Which Job allows you to work 24 hours 7 days non stop?
Well, it is possible if you are in an online business.
What could be better than having the World Wide Web as a platform to promote your products? Your products may get instant exposure to billions of surfers and imagine the traffic you are driving if you use the effective marketing strategy.
You have the platform to build your businesses but what about the products. I encourages selling information products like 'How To' ebook that resolves or fixes problems that most people are facing. To know more on how to make money with information products by Kevin Riley, click here.
All the Best to your Online Business
Friday, September 21, 2007
How to Make Money With Information Products?
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8:53 PM
Secrets to Work From Home Business Success - 7 strategies to 7 Figures!
Let's get to the point straight! This is the real secrets to work from home success that are presenting right before you which makes my upline a multi-millionaire not once but six times before the age of thirty. You may think that this is a JOKE! Well, I can't stop you from thinking this way. But what I am to reveal next may be a life-changing experience for you.
The secrets to work from home success is something which I am sharing with you because it works for me too and I believe that success should not be kept within oneself. The first success secret to work from home business is to Dream Big! Well, anyone dreams. Whether you are dreaming big or small, it takes the same energy.. So why not dream a BIG one!!! Always challenge yourself continuously how you can think bigger. This is the first strategy which my upline adopts and it is a very powerful. Though a multi-millionaire, he is continuously thinking of ways to think big. And now, he is not only helping himself but many to attain million dollars mark through personal development. The only reason you can't have something in life is because you think you are not capable of owing it.
Secondly, being an expert is critical in your success in work from home business. Aim to become the top 1% of a particular subject area. Let's say you want to make your mark in internet marketing but how are you going to make yourself an expert! Perhaps you are thinking of at least a 10 years time frame to acquire an expert status. Well, you are wrong! To become an expert, all you need is to read at least 5 books or attend 5 seminars or trainings on that subject area. Instead of reading the book only, go through as if you have to give a training after reading. As long as you have more knowledge than the other person, then you can be an expert to that person.
Thirdly, your success in work from home business requires you to create a game plan. A game plan is goal setting. Instead of goal setting, I like to call it goal getting because most people set goals but few realise the goals. These are the three MUST process to realise whatever goals you are setting. They are: (1) Fix a deadline to every goal. (2) Figure out your purpose behind your goal. (3) This is also the fourth strategy which is to take massive action plan.
In order to build a successful work from home business, you need to take massive action meaning taking responsible of your own goals. If you can, write your down your members'goals as well and hold them accountable too. Always keep the goals in front of you. Taking massive action produces massive result. Not only accountable to yourself, you have to work hard to build your knowledge level. Successful do what unsuccessful refuse to do and Successful get what unsuccessful people can't get!
The fifth secret strategy requires you to build your leadership. This ties in with strategy on being an expert. Always be a leader which every other leaders want to follow. Remember! Every rises and falls on leadership.
The sixth strategy is to build your vision. Your vision is truly where you expect yourself to be. You can build vision through (1) what other people says about you. (2) experiences you have in life. (3) what you say and what you think about yourself. In short, you must become the person before you experience the result! This is the power of subconscious mind which is much more powerful than your conscious mind.
And the last but not the least is to take 100% responsibility of yourself.Everything in life you are responsible and because of that, you have the power to change other people life. Make an impact to the world by sharing with the world your success. By following these 7 secret strategies, you will attain success from any work from home business.
Marsden is an avid network marketer specialising in personal development for a well-acclaimed company over the internet. Built upon the experience of world's
renowned trainers, entrepreneurs and speakers, and a proven business system, this is a "business in a box" that anyone can operate. If you are interested to start a work from home business, we can show you how you can generate a profitable and successful business for yourself around your current schedule. Visit now: http://tinyurl.com/2nyzb5
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12:18 AM
Sunday, September 16, 2007
MLM Leads - "Why Do Most Network Marketers Fail?"
======== Advertisement========= Tried Network Marketing before and failed? It's not your fault. Let this rookie "unknown" marketer show you how he embarrassed the "gurus" by placing over 4,120 people in his downline in 14 short months, while pocketing over half-a-million dollars. Now he has honed his SYSTEM into an idiot- proof step-by-step can't fail, never-cold-call-again recruiting machine on steroids! He'll even PAY YOU to check it out. ==> http://marsdentan.getnetmlmprofits.com/ .
Network marketing is not as tough as you think, but doing what most people do (i.e. buying mlm leads and cold calling people) is NOT easy.
Well, Let me explain why network marketing has a notorious failure rate of more than 95%...
Most network marketers flop due to their marketing method. They were taught on method which does not work 95% or more of the time. And your next logical question must be 'what are the method that most network marketers adopt?' Personally, I have my reservations using this method which require network marketers to buy mlm leads and cold call people.
Sounds familiar? I won't say this method does not work at all. It works well only for a certain group of people. Unless you are very good at cold calling or a natural born confident sales person, I advise you not to do it.
What happens to most people who was led to buying mlm leads, pumping in hundreds and thousands of dollars, but getting very little success after months of effort? They get burned out, run out of money and give up..
The type of mlm leads network marketers buy is another factor contributing to why most network marketers fail. Usually, the mlm leads most new network marketers use are generic. They are generic in the sense they are enticed by the caption of making money from home and attain financial freedom. And that does not mean they are interested to join the mlm business.
When the average network marketers call these generic mlm leads who have no idea of mlm business, they are going to hear a lot of "NOs". Imagine their morale and motivation slowly saps away from all those negative response! For any network marketers, this lead to self doubt about their own ability and mlm business. Negative feelings begin to harbour and eventually the network marketers give up in less than 6 months.
Many fledging network marketers' perception of their mlm business goes from one of unlimited hopefulness to one of complete negativity and condemnation after experiencing the reality, believing there is little hope in this business and themselves. That explains why 95% of network marketers fail.
Posted by
10:47 PM
MLM Training - Hypnotize Readers with YOUR Emails!
Discover how to earn a whopping $4,567.09 per month in your spare time even if nobody joins your MLM business. Forget cold calling and those home meetings. In fact, you can forget everything you have been taught in network marketing from the "gurus". We can show you how to build an organisation of over 4,120 in 14 short months without making one phone call! ==> http://marsdentan.getnetmlmprofits.com
Writing your own promotional email is mandatory in MLM business if it is internet based. Here's something you should know.....writing an email to promote your MLM business does not involve any tricks or magic. Simply, if you follow the rules below , you can write an email that is suitable for sending to your prospect every time!
So Let's start your MLM training in writing a good promotional email for your MLM business...
>> Compelling benefits are a MUST.
With these attention grabbers in your email, you are half way to winning the battle of converting your prospect to downline because the benefits speak for itself if it meets your reader's deepest desire. With an action to call following the benefits, you are likely to drive people to act.
>> A friendly and informal tone builds rapport.
Whenever possible, write your email as if you are writing to a good friend. Be informal with your writing and avoid technicalities.
>> Address by their name.
Addressing someone by their name makes the context of promoting more personal. Nothing is more appealing than the 'sound' of their own names and nothing grabs someone attention faster with something he/she can associate with.
>> Do not pitch directly in your email.
Start learning how to write sentences like "Click here to learn about...." or "Click here now If you want to discover more about...". Here, you are creating curiosity to make people want to click on the link instead of chasing your prospects away if you pitched directly.
>> Content is important, so is the LOOKS.
How you format your email is equally important! Avoid using images in your email as it will slow down the loading of your email for slow internet connections reader. Bolding on keywords or benefits will definitely grab your reader's attention. Bolding also helps busy prospects to read on important points. Make use of bullets points to break up your copy for easy reading. It is also a way to make your key points stand out.
Finally, once you have written your email, go through again and make sure none of the keypoints and benefits is left out. Stick to these few simple rules and you will have prospects looking forward to receiving your email and may eventually become your customer one day.
What about a "built in ready system" that has emails ready and written to be sent to your prospects until the day they become your customers? Click here .
Posted by
10:34 PM
Internet Marketing Business - Fat People Can't Earn!
====== Advertisement=========
Over $225,000 added to your bottom line and 4,120 people added to your downline in just 14 months is nothing to sneeze at with this online business. Yet, this 25-yr old "unknown" rookie networkmarketer claims he can show any knuckle-head how to repeat his results. And thousands already agree. And if *you* don't agree that his SYSTEM is the quickest and laziest way to build your network marketing business, then you get double your money back. Is this guy stupid or just plain brave? -> http://marsdentan.getnetmlmprofits.com/
No offence, please! I am not referring to the physical size of a person. But, what does this title have any association with your internet marketing business?
Well, let's digress a bit and talk about the physical term 'fat' before we steer back to internet marketing business. We see a lot of overweight people around us. What do you think is the main cause of the problem? It is due to improper diet and too much intake of calories which resulted in excess fat in their body.
Steering back to the route of internet marketing, what does being fat concern you as an internet marketer? Everything. Many people in the world of Internet Marketing are fat meaning they are loaded with too much knowledge on internet marketing. I am sure you read and the more you read, the more knowledge you will acquire. Well, that is good for you but....
What do you do after reading and acquiring all the knowledge from the book? That is the crux of the whole point. A lot of people have the knowledge but they never put their knowledge into good use. They simply shelf the knowledge aside draining it slowly from their mind as day passes by. Think about it for a moment. When you eat a lot and you are not doing any exercise to burn off the calories, what will happen? Get the idea!
Eating non stop without exercise causes obesity, just like acquiring knowledge on internet marketing but not applying what you have learnt into your business serves no purpose at all. This is what happen to a lot of people. If you are buying everything in sight to convince yourself you are improving your knowledge, you will get fat. If you do not put that knowledge into practice, then you will never make a single cent from your internet marketing business.
Posted by
10:29 PM
MLM Business Opportunity - How to hit the right goal?
If you are an avid reader of self development books, you will definitely not miss the book.... "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" by Robert Kyosaki and "Multiple Streams of Income" by Robert Allen. What do both books have in common? They are both advocating on the benefits of network marketing, in short MLM. Both books recommend MLM business as a great opportunity for anyone like you and me to make a "passive income".
Think about one benefit of hitting a right MLM business opportunity... What could be better than earning a considerable PASSIVE income monthly and not worrying about paying any loans and debts for your car, housing, credit bills, children education, medical expenses and many more?
With the explosion of internet and e-commerce, MLM has gone through an evolution from the traditional face to face meet up to establishing personal touch and relationship through emails. There are no lack of MLM business opportunity over the web which may not be good for the non-experience. When looking for any MLM business opportunity, I advise you to conduct your due diligent research with the following questions in mind:
(1) Is this a good and trusth-worthy company?
(2) How long has this company being around?
(3) Does the company offer a good product with tremendous value?
(4) Does the company offer a sensible and attractive compensation plan?
(5) Does the company have a proper training and mentoring system?
(6) How will the company help me to be successful?
There is nothing better than building a passive income that is larger than your monthly expenses with your MLM business. On a serious note, you owe it to yourself, your family, loved ones and your future to get started with a good MLM business. Do not rely solely on your 401K retirement. FOr a smooth retirement, begin hunting for an opportunity to start your MLM business now.
Forget about cold calling a single lead or attend those home meetings! Let me show you how to earn a whopping $4,567.09 monthly in your spare time even if no one joins your MLM business here.
Posted by
10:20 PM
Start Your Home Based Business with Network Marketing
If you are still struggling with cold calling leads
or attending those home meetings, forget about
those! We can show you how to earn a whopping
$4,567 monthly in your spare time even if no one
joins your MLM business. Visit now:
Everytime, I log on to YAHOO answer, I would come across question that goes like "Is it possible to make money online?" and "What are the home based business I can venture into?" My answer to these questions are simple. An absolute Yes! it is possible for anyone like you and me to make money online.
Starting a home based business is not impossible for anyone. Everything lies in you. Depending on what interests you, you can start a home based business in that area of interest. For instance, I am keen in personal development and network marketing. So it is natural to start a home based business marketing personal development products.
From my experience, the best home based business that anyone can start with is network marketing. Here I am narrowing home business to internet based only. Network Marketing is a great avenue for you to start your home based business as it is an attractive model. Its appeal has attracted many successful businessman to leave their 6 income figure profession for network marketing.
Network Marketing is Multi-Level Marketing and the advent of internet has changed this business model into a non face to face approach. With the explosion of internet, your market is no longer restricted geographically. In fact, you can reach worldwide audiences with network marketing. Even better still, it is possible to attract targeted prospect to your website who may turn into your loyal customer.
To start a home based business, you should consider the benefits that it can bring to you and your loved ones. What is it so appealing that network marketing has over other 9-5 jobs? "Drum Rolls...." It is none other than FREEDOM. With a home based business like network marketing, you can literally build your business around any schedule. Spending more time with your family and loved ones has become a natural characteristic in home based business . Not only that, I consider this business model a good fit into any tight schedule of professionals. You can always start part time while working full time on your 9-5 jobs. Once the residual income from your network marketing model surpasses your monthly paycheck, it is about time you fire your boss and steer full focus to network marketing.
Another attraction of starting a home based business is the income streams that you can potentially build from your network. Making hundreds to ten thousands of dollars over internet with this business model is possible for you. It is a lucrative business that guarantees your financial success faster than most of the 9-5 Jobs. It is through promoting a physical product or program that earn you commissions when someone buys and joins under you. The more downline you have, the higher is your residual income. With internet, it is now possible to integrate your internet marketing skill to your network marketing business creating a viral promotion of your business and building a massive streams of residual income indefinitely. That is the exponential power of network marketing business.
When planning to start a home based business, do your due diligent research on the type of business which suits you best. There are aplenty opportunities online and network marketing is one of the more lucrative one you can consider for starting your own home based business.
Built upon the expertise of world's renowned entrepreneurs and speakers, and a proven business system, this is a "business in a box" that anyone can operate. If you are interested to start a home based business, we can show you how you can generate a profitable business for yourself around your current schedule. Visit now:
Or Perhaps, you are still struggling in your MLM business with cold calling leads or home meetings! Forget about those. We can show you how to earn a whopping $4,567.09 monthly in your spare time even if no one joins your MLM business. Visit now: http://marsdentan.getnetmlmprofits.com/.
Posted by
10:09 PM
Personal Development - A Lifelong Journey
I heard lots of people asking almost the same question, perhaps with different paraphrasing and it goes like this. "How can I become wealthy and happy?" The most common answer will be "Work harder so that you can make more money!" Well, I will most probably probe further by asking "What do you work harder on?" I guess you will most probably say "Isn't that obvious? It should be on your job!" Well, it is true if you are contended with a life of mediocrity. If you want to live a life of richness and success, then you ought to learn to work harder on yourself than you do it on your job. That is when personal development makes its grand entrance to your life.
I must admit that working on personal development has been the most challenging task of my life because it is an indefinite process. Once you are in personal development education, it will stay with you lifelong and only stops on the day we die. There is nothing we can refute on. You see the importance of personal development education has on our entire life. That is why we see people die at the age of 21 but only get buried at the age of 65. These are the groups of person without going through proper personal development education.
A lot of people have goals and dreams of what they are going to get and they plan and strategise working towards their goals. In fact, we have failed to realise one thing which is the most important in personal development education. It is not about what we are getting but rather what we are becoming to is far more important. The reason being so is simple. When you become the person you want to be, getting what you want usually comes along with it. They compliment each other. Just like a successful businessman earns millions or billions in his business. The money come naturally when you become a successful businessman.
Why does every successful businessman make money? Have you heard of any successful business who does not make money? Does making money equate success to you? What do I mean by all these questions? In fact, I am highlighting the importance of personal development which has a knitted impact in finance management. Personal development encompasses a wide area and finance literacy and management is just a certain part of it. Without proper training in financial management, that explains why people who strike billions of dollars in lottery claimed they were not the least happy after which or declares bankrupt faster than anyone would have thought of. Therefore, personal development is where you should focus most in your life otherwise you might just have to contend with mediocrity.
Personal development is not only about financial literacy and management, it also encompasses relationship establisment, health, family, love, spiritual and many more. If you want to know the secret attitudes, techniques, methods and strategies that, when applied, will skyrocket your success in virtually every area of your life, you have to visit http://www.earnwhilesleep.com/successuniversity.html right away. For less than a cup of coffee everyday, you will be able to make a profound shift in your relationships, your finances, your health and physical well being, sales and marketing skills, and much more, start right away with http://www.easytoearnonline.com/
Posted by
10:02 PM