Don’t you think it is a chore to brainstorm a topic for your article or E-book? Many have no idea on what to write about and this becomes a major stumbling block for most. You can’t simply start without a topic which is a matter of fact. Being in an internet marketing business, article marketing is one of the most effective means of driving targeted traffic to your site. This is the main reason I am sharing with you the 3 fundamental and vital requirements to help you tide over the stumble of finding a good topic for an article or e-book.
1. Ask yourself where your interest lies? The topic you are writing must be your subject of interest. If it is not, how are you going to instil interest in others with your article? Don't write about something you aren't really interested in -- just because it's a hot subject. If you have no interest in it, writing about a subject will become a real chore and your article will suffer. You also need to think about the long term. You probably won't end up just writing one article and you may want to proceed to writing your e-books. You don't want to be stuck with a subject that doesn't grab your interest. Pick a subject that really grabs and captures you, and you'll be inspired to greatness.
2. Identify your strength or selling point. The subject needs to match your strengths. You'll be fighting an insurmountable battle if you write about something you know little about. You want to get a competitive edge in the marketplace by using your strengths. Take a long, hard look at yourself and decide what those strengths are. What experience do you have? What education did you get? What skills have you developed? What are you good at? What do others come to you for advice about? What do you know well? What are your hobbies? What are your goals? Who are the people you met before who inspire you significantly? Get your friends and family to help you with this exercise. They often see strengths that you are blind to.
3. Enough about yourself! Take a step back and think for your reader. The subject must be interesting to your reader. You need to publish information that people want to buy -- and are buying. Sell what people buy! There's no use in creating an article with no avid readers and e-book that nobody will be willing to pay money for. Remember, people read your articles or buy your ebooks for solutions to their problems. Look at the market. Are people already spending money on the kind of information you want to write about? If they're spending money on information for a certain subject, they are always ready to buy more information. People hardly ever buy just one book about their hobby or interest. Whether it's golfing, gourmet cooking, or investing in stocks ... the avid fan will buy a mountain of books on their favourite subject. They'll especially buy a new book that gives the information in a better way.
Claim your free video which outlines exactly how to create your own best selling ebook.
Some resources for discovering a good topic for your article/ebook. While finding for a good topic to write about, bear in mind the three pointers which I listed down. Write something you are interested in and good at and not forgeting your readers. Discover what people like to buy or do from the listings below. (Take a look through books that are selling well) (Only popular niches have a magazine devoted to them) (What are buyers searching for on eBay) (What are buyers buying on eBay) (Here you'll see what Internet searchers are looking for) (See which hobbies are super popular) (See what people want to accomplish)
Friday, June 22, 2007
Major Stumbling Block in Writing Articles for Internet Marketing Business
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