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Wednesday, July 11, 2007

The ABCs of building a web presence on the net.

This is one of the daunting process which simply puts off many internet marketer wannabes but it can be an enjoying and simple process once you get the hold of it. Many simply feel with uncertainty when talking about building a website. Many do not know where to start from. Well, you are not alone. I was once a 'no nuts at all' about building a website but now I am going to share with you how to build a webpage from scratch.

Building your first webpage is remarkably easy, so do not let it overwhelm you and you can always perfect your site as time goes. Here's a breakdown of the steps you need to adhere to build a website.


Your address on the web is important so that anyone can locate your site easily. Choosing a domain name is very important as you want to make a striking first impression to anyone who visits your site and keeps on coming back to your site.

Tools to help you find a domain include...

To get ideas for your domain name, visit NameBoy's "Gen" at www.NameBoy.com/gen.php
To check if a domain name is available and register for a domain name, go to www.godaddy.com

(2) Get a good web host to host your webpage and always make it running at top speed. You can find one at www.1and1.com or an all in one solution that includes web hosting, automatic email manager, ad trackers and autoresponders at http://tinyurl.com/3az4px

(3) There are plenty of software you can use to build a website without any codes but it is always beneficial to learn some html programming. Trust me, it is not tough and you will just need to know a few codes. For some good free HTML resources and tutorials, check these sites out:

>> www.HTMLgoodies.com
>> www.PageTutor.com
>> www.WebReference.com/html/tutorial

(4) You may want to build your site from scratch yourself and here are some of the great tools and information on simple, effective design. Check out these sites:

>> SitePoint: www.sitepoint.com
>> Builder: www.builder.com
>> Useit : www.useit.com


"HTML editors" are software programs that allow you to design a webpage with little knowledge of HTML -- and they're as easy to use as any basic word processor.

>> Morzilla: www.mozilla.org
>> Nvu: www.nvu.com

Above two are free tools that help to create a website even if you do not have any html experience.

>> Dreamweaver: www.dreamweaver.com

Another great web development tool but you need to pay to get additional features.

If you're a bit intimidated by technology, you may want to consider an all-in-one website builder, where a company providesyou with all the tools you need to quickly piece together a site.Go here to find : www.MarketingTips.com/allinone


For good articles and resources on developing effectivenavigation and designing a simple site that works, check out these sites

>> Webmonkey: www.webmonkey.com
>> AnyBrowser.com: www.anybrowser.com
>> WebDeveloper.com: www.webdeveloper.com
>> Web Page Analyzer: www.websiteoptimization.com/services/analyze
>> NetMechanic: www.netmechanic.com


You may want your site to go beyond basic HTML, especially whenit comes to automating chores and making it more interactive forvisitors. You can find "extras" -- like forums, contentmanagement systems, and shopping carts -- at these websites:

>> www.HotScripts.com
>> www.cgi.ResourceIndex.com
>> www.scriptSearch.com


If you can afford it, it's a good idea to hire a web designer tobuild the initial "template" for your website. Typically, thisshould include a logo, navigation menu, and the overall "look"for your homepage.For a good, affordable designer, try: www.elance.com

Good luck with your page building

1 comment:

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