Network marketing is not easy. I will not lie. But, in saying that there is a little known way to absolutely ensure your success. This secret is seldom used yet for those that do hold true to the principle that I am about to outline you simple cannot fail. That's right your success is 100% guaranteed.
Before we get to the secret, let's do a little ground work to set the stage for HUGE and quick success in networkmarketing. The level of success and freedom in life that networkmarketing offers to the average person is unlimited and that's the appeal, but there are some ways to help ensure that success occurs for you as quickly as possible. Most people jump into a new home business with a hope and dream. They look at the compensation plan and the testimonials involved with the network marketing company that they are about to join and see the vision. They say "Man ... IF I max out this plan I'll be making$40,000 a month and I'll never have to work again! Let'sgive it try!" They fill themselves up with anticipation for the windfall of cash that is on the way and they sit back and wait forthe money to come to them.
Then a month later after they go through a few trails and try a few things unsuccessfully they say . . . "Why isn't this working?" Then the next month when they put in half the effort they put in their first month and nothing happens again they quit and say they were scammed. My question to you is . . . were they scammed? You see, before you start any Network Marketing business you have to do a little bit more homework than just look at the compensation plan and the testimonials. You have to really research what you are about to get yourself into.
What type of research do you have to do? What questions should you ask? Here they are:
" How long has the company been around?"
" What is the product?"
" Is the product unique?
" Does the product have mass appeal?"
" Is the product a front runner in an emerging market?"
" Can you become passionate about the product?"
" Does the business have a powerful marketing system in place?"
" Who are the successful people in this business?"
" What are the successful people doing to create that success?"
" Is the product something that the majority of the public can afford?"
" Am I personally financial stable enough to start a newbusiness?"
" What type of a monthly marketing budget will I have to setaside to be successful?"
" What are the conversion statistics for the marketing process?"
" Is the business truly duplicable?"
" What would be my break even point?"
" Is there a way to make money quickly with this business or is there a way that I can create a quick income in marketing this business?" Etc.
You see it's not just the opportunity that has to be correct. You TOO have to be correct for the opportunity and you have to be in a financial position to take advantage of the opportunity at hand. Way too many times I see people joining my business that jump in on a hope and a dream. They have barely enough money to pay for there monthly membership commitment and yet they still want to know the fastest way to grow their business for FREE. When people get caught up in the emotion of opening the possibility for more in their life sometimes they don'tthink clearly. They think if they can just get themselves in they will get rich. It's not just about getting yourself in. It's about getting yourself in and putting yourself in aposition to be able to fully maximize the opportunity at hand.
I get asked the following WRONG question all the time. "How long until I make money?" It's not about how long until you make money but it's about what you have to do to make money. The truth is you could put yourself in a profitable situation tomorrow or today, but it would take resources and a good deal of learning to know how to do it. The truth is, the fast way is never the FREE way. It's either going to take you a good deal of money to put yourself in a profitable position or a good deal of education and leverage, and most of the time both. There is no luck factor. You don't earn money until you are worth of the income you produce. As the great Earl Nightingale always says "You have to be worth more than you are getting paid for you'r inc0meto grow." This is the natural state of all things and it's not going to change.
In order for your inc0me to grow you must grow. Now . . . Let me back up for a second to say that you CAN create a large amount of success in Network Marketing for free, but not until you know how. If you don't have the answer to this question of how to create a large amount of success for free now and it is a burning desire for you learn how to do this, then get out there and do the necessary leg work and research to get yourself into the position in which you can grow your network marketing organization for FR'EE.
Enough of this banter . . .If you want to have HUGE success in Network Marketing quickly you will need to of course obtain or create a powerful marketing system that is highly duplicable. If you want do this on the internet here are the critical factors that you should look for in the least:" A high power lead capture page" A strong follow up email system that incorporates the fear of loss." A direct marketing style website that sells so you don'thave to. Let's talk about the secret that will absolutely guarantee that you succeed in Network Marketing. Ready? Well remember when I gave the example above of the typical mindset for people entering into network marketing? They say:"Man ... IF I max out this plan I'll be making $40,000 a month and I'll never have to work again! Let's give it try!" All we have to do is change one word in this statement to give you the little know secret to guaranteeing you network marketing success. Change the word "IF" to "WHEN" Don't make it a possibility to succeed in network marketing make it a conviction. It's the people that see the compensation plan and do all the research that I've noted above and then say tothemselves that it's only a matter of time until they maxout their compensation plan that truly and always without a shadow of a doubt succeed.
Network marketing is not something that works part of the time or if your lucky. It always works as long as you doeverything in your power to make it work. Set a goal in your network marketing business and don't stop until you get there and you WILL get there. I guarantee it.
Discover how to earn a whopping $4,567,09 per month in yourspare time even if nobody joins your MLM business. Forgetcold calling. Forget those home meetings. In fact, forget everything you've ever been taught about building a solidincome in Network Marketing from the "gurus". Let this 25-yr "unknown" marketer show you how he built an organizationof over 4,120 in 14 short months without making one phone call!
Sunday, August 26, 2007
The Real Secret Of Network Marketing Success
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